Thursday, March 28, 2013

Progress report!

AR Project Summary (at least 250 words):
I am working with my administration to create the master schedule for next year. We met recently, and went over schedules from several different campuses. We discussed pros, cons, and how each one would or would not work for our campus. At that time, I was tasked with creating a master schedule. I have decided to do so using a board and colored sticky notes for each grade level. Specials (music/PE), lunch, PLCs, and intervention time have to be included for preK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

In terms of my action research plan…

1. Setting the foundation completed
a. gather master plans from several campuses
b. wait for allocation data to be released, as well as funding information
2. Analyzing data completed
a. analyze plans (categories: size, staffing, success of current program)
b. wait for allocation data to be released, as well as funding information

3. Develop deeper understanding
a. create rough drafts of several different possible schedules week of April 1-5
b. go over drafts with admin team April 4
c. pick one to do a dry run with in May 2013

4. Engage in Self-Reflection, 5. Explore Patterns,                                                                      a. test run intervention program schedule May 2013                                                                                   b. analyze data to see if program was successful or not June 2013

6. Determine Direction, 7. Take Action, Sustain Improvement, 8. Sustain Improvement
a. decide if program is what will be needed for next school year June 2013
b. set steps in place to either utilize same program for 2013-14 school year or pick a different plan to use in a dry run, and repeat steps 4-7 June 2013

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